Monday, July 18, 2016


A Paper Submitted to Dr. Desmond Jim O’Neill
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course
EVAN 670
Spiritual Warfare

October 2013

Table of Contents
The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson 
The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders by David Earley 
Quiet Talks by S. Gordon 
Spiritual Warfare 
Build the Prayer Life 
Teach Spiritual Warfare 
Minister Deliverance 
God’s Presence 
Deliverance from Bondage 
Spiritual Fruit 
Church Attendance 

This application paper is the fruit of an eight-week course on spiritual warfare, summarizing the gleanings of the four books assigned, reviewed, and critiqued, as well as applying the teaching to set up a spiritual warfare strategy for ministry.  The four books are:  The Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson (2006), Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders by David Earley (2008), Quiet Talks on Prayer by S. Gordon (2003), and Spiritual Warfare by Jerry Rankin (2009).  The methodology consists of overviewing the gleanings of the four readings and tailoring a spiritual warfare strategy for a ministry context, detailing the prime objectives to achieve, the steps of attainment, and the indicators of success, wrapping up with the conclusion.
This paper argues that victory in spiritual warfare, whether defensive or offensive, is determined by faith in our positional sanctification—who we are in Christ—and in the Word of God, by submitting to God and resisting the devil, and by living out a daily life of repentance paying the cost of victory—suffering through denial of the flesh.
The four books reviewed and critiqued left many impressions and brought home valuable lessons and gleanings for my ministry setup to enable building a spiritual warfare strategy plan. Below are the key ideas from the readings that will partake in building a strategic spiritual warfare plan for my ministry context.
“The Bondage Breaker” by Neil Anderson
The bondage Breaker is Christ Jesus who sets us free by the truth of God’s word, our positional sanctification—who we are in Christ as children of God with authority, freedom, and divine protection.[1]  Six foundational guidelines Jesus clearly stated in the gospels:  deny yourself—self-promotion and self-rule; take your cross daily; follow Christ—walk in His footsteps, imitate Him; and sacrifice the temporal and worldly for the eternal and divine, respectively.[2]  Satan’s first goal is to blind the minds of unbelievers (2 Cor 4); the first step is to be aware of the reality of spiritual warfare and to commit oneself to knowing the truth—our position in Christ.[3]  Satan uses a three-fold strategy:  temptation, accusation, and deception (counterfeits).[4] Temptation is an enticement to live independently of God and to satisfy carnal desires that are empowered by mental strongholds and self-centered patterns of thoughts.[5]  Accusation, the father of lies throws to us convicting God and ourselves, paralyzes our witness and productivity; therefore, we must rebuke Satan by confronting him with the biblical truth, raising the shield of faith.  Deception is meant to dissuade us of God’s truth through self-deception, false prophets and teachers, and deceiving spirits; the first line of defense against deception is spiritual discernment, then rebuking of negative thoughts.[6]  The steps to freedom in Christ that will enable us to submit to God and to resist the devil deal with recognizing and resolving the spiritual conflicts by renouncing whatever is not of God and by embracing God’s truth.  Counterfeit, deception, bitterness, rebellion, pride, bondage, and curses are to be renounced and to respectively embrace the real, the truth, forgiveness, submission, humility, freedom, and blessings.  Learning the truth of our spiritual identity in Christ and sonship to God the Father are the essential truths that set us free within a life of repentance in submission to God and resistance to the devil.
“The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders” by David Earley
 Prayer is the “common denominator of spiritual difference-makers in every generation and in any setting.”[7]  If leadership is influence, then prayer influences men by influencing God to influence them.[8]  To develop a prayer life that has impact and influence in the spiritual realm, nine disciplines ought to be developed and maintained throughout.  These disciplines are:  prioritize prayer time; make time to pray; pray for those you serve—intercession; train others to pray for you— prayer partners; turn your problems into prayers; fast and pray; possess a bold faith; build on the basics—ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication); and adopt best practices in prayer life. Prayer is omnipotent and omnipresent, breaks through time and location, is faster than sound and light and mightier than lightning and thunder.   Arrowhead prayer or instant messages is a way to practice unceasing prayers.
“Quiet Talks on Prayer” by S. Gordon
Prayer is the greatest outlet of power and the deciding factor in spirit conflict for it puts us in direct, dynamic touch with the world/people through the Holy Spirit.[9] The true conception of prayers is about “a God to give” and “a man to receive.”[10]  There are three categories of prayers—communion, petition, and intercession.[11]  This latter is the climax of prayer as it is an outward movement built on communion with God that materializes in petition that stands as a “go-between” God and others to win the earth and its inhabitant back to God.[12]  The hindrances to prayer are: sin, selfishness, and an unforgiving spirit.[13]  Prayer must be through Christ Jesus, having oneness of purpose with Jesus—to please God, Abba Father.  Jesus states six promises in relation to effective prayers and in context of the cost of discipleship—they must be in Jesus’ name, by faith, abiding in Christ, in line with the Word of God, and in agreement with other believers.[14] The listening side of prayer lies in trained ears to hearing God’s voice through the Holy Bible, through His messengers, and through dealing with people.  When prayers are either delayed or denied, it is for a greater purpose, such as “reverence obedience” as in Moses’ case, “preparation for a great task” as in Hannah’s case, and “humility” as in Paul’s thorn.  Prayer is warfare and the object of warfare is the earth and its inhabitants.  The battlefield is God’s and we are joined to Him; and therefore, we have the assurance of victory.  Satan’s power is limited and temporary and we must fight back in Jesus’ name by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Our conception of and dealing with God, in prayer as we seek His will and plan, is that of a Father, Mother, Friend, Lover, and Husband.  God’s will is concerned with our whole beings and lives.
“Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for God’s Glory” by Jerry Rankin
Spiritual warfare is a reality, not a myth, as experienced in the mission field, and therefore, believers have to be well-equipped to fight Satan knowing his nature, strategies, and weapons in order to lay hold of Christ’s victory by faith in the Word of God.  “Spiritual warfare is not so much about demon possession, territorial spirit, or generational bondage, inasmuch as it is about overcoming Satan’s lies and deceits in our own lives.”[15]  Satan’s primary objective is to rob God of his glory in us and to rob us of God’s glory; therefore, we must not entertain his thoughts.[16]  The major part of victory in spiritual warfare is recognizing our enemy—our flesh, the world, and Satan, and understanding the reality of the battle on a day-by-day basis.[17]  We must also study God’s personality-nature and character, as we seek to understand God’s enemy.  Satan’s strategy was to keep people-groups hidden and unreachable, nations closed to the gospel and to missionary witness; he had developed his strategy to convincing believers that mission is optional and to keeping them from proclaiming the good news by living to self.[18]   Satan uses various barriers—social, cultural, religious traditions, and psychological presumptions—to keep people from accepting Christ as the Lord Savior and to take away the seed and hope of the gospel.[19]  He is a deceiver, a liar, a tempter, and a hinderer.  The world is where we live in and where Satan works; his attacks are through worldliness, to drive us to be self-centered and self-serving, which is countered by sacrificial love.  Satan’s favorite fiery darts are unforgiveness, anger, doubt God’s truth, pride, unholy living, and dissension.[20]  His most effective weapon is adversity to blindside believers but if we respond correctly, adversity to confirm the reality of God’s presence and the sufficiency of His grace.[21]  The three basic foundations of victory are: faith and believing in God, renewing of the mind, and commitment to God.  Victory is appropriated, not in our own strength or efforts, but because we are in Christ—our positional sanctification; however, the cost of victory is self-denial that entails suffering.  The approach to spiritual warfare is to focus on God’s word, which is the source of faith that overcomes the world.
The heart of spiritual warfare could be summarized in laying hold of our spiritual identity in Christ Jesus, as redeemed children of God, with authority and freedom, and in laying hold of God’s Word of truth that will set us free from bondages to the flesh, to the world, and to Satan.  Spiritual warfare is a reality, not a myth; therefore, we have to be well-equipped to fight Satan by knowing our enemy—his nature, strategies, and weapons, and by knowing the personality of God.  Victory in spiritual warfare lies in submitting to God within a life of repentance and in resisting the devil.  Intercessory prayer is a determinative factor in spiritual conflict and winning the battle to redeem God’s prodigal son—the world.
Ministry Setup
The church is a small Evangelical church with a past history of discharging the pastors, for one reason or another.  It was owned by a family of three brothers, who bought the land, built the church, interviewed, assigned, and dismissed the pastors, according to their assessment.  Ministry was a family-affair, not a God-affair. Fifteen years ago, God sent a minister who confronted them with their illegal, illegitimate behavior.  To cut the story short, after much struggle and resistance, this family gave back the church to its legal rightful Owner who bought her with His blood—Jesus Christ.  God assigned a young pastor, in his late twenties, who used to serve in the Sunday school.  He struggled for six years, during his pastorate, but with no evidence of tangible fruit, even in terms of membership.  The members are quite few, mostly the servants and their families.  The church income hardly covers the basic necessities, including the pastor’s salary, which led him to look for a job, to complement his income and not to burden the church, but he did not find any.  We have toiled the field many times, consistently and persistently, but there is no fruit to the point that the pastor thought of leaving the church, closing it down.  But God sent a person, neither knowing the situation nor what the pastor was planning to do, to tell the pastor to wait and to give it another trial for “God’s calling and gifts are irrevocable.” The pastor was encouraged for he was praying for a message from God, so he decided to stay and to try again.
In the area, there is an orthodox church that serves the area and people do attend the holy mass and the services.  I will not draw comparisons between both churches because the issue lies in the church itself.  If there is genuine, credible food offered, people will come.  If there is a steady service with evangelistic outreach, people will regain trust in the church.  If the servants are united and pray together consistently with one heart, one mind, and one accord, God’s presence will fill the church and this very presence will call people to the church to see Jesus. 
Prime Objectives
The prime objectives are to build the prayer life of believers—personally and corporately, along with teaching spiritual warfare and ministering deliverance to believers.  The prayer life will strengthen their relationship with God and fill them with God’s power that will have an impact on others.  Teaching on spiritual warfare will expose Satan’s nature, strategies, and weapons used to entice believers and rob them of God’s glory and power.  Deliverance ministry will set believers free from the worldly mindset and spiritual strongholds that keep them in bondage, preventing them from laying hold of Christ’s victory.
Steps of Attainment
Build the Prayer Life
They started meeting every Thursday in the church, however few servants they were, but praying together encouraged them and poured hope in their hearts to keep fighting and struggling for God’s glory to fill their lives, church, and country.  Parallel to the corporate prayer, they need to study together as servants in the church Earley’s book, Prayer:  The Timeless Secret of High Impact Leaders, in order to develop the nine disciplines, and to have prayer partners and accountability partners.  The pastor needs to have a mentor that could share his burden, pray for him, and be a spiritual coverage; he too needs an accountability partner.
Teach Spiritual Warfare
Andersons’ Spiritual Warfare must be taught and the steps to freedom in Christ ministered to the servants in the church.  Servants must be set free first in order to minister to others—a person in bondage can hardly, effectively minister to others or even go on evangelistic outreaches. Corporate teaching is to be given either before the Thursday prayer meeting, or on a separate day, or use the prayer meeting partly for teaching and partly for praying. This must be tested and modified according to the degree of success, feasibility, and practicality to servants’ conditions and church circumstances.
The church must reject the plethora of lies spoken and deception brought by Satan against the church due to its past failures.  God’s eternal word of truth and all the prophecies over the life of the church will no doubt come to pass in God’s wise timing. The church must in times of crisis and tribulation, “keep the view from the throne.”[22]  The church must keep God’s perspectives alive in her mind and heart.  “If we (the church) have answered a call to the Lordship of Christ, God’s will cannot be thwarted.  He will always use location and circumstances to fulfill His will and be glorified…A closed door is not necessarily a victory for Satan, if one is obedient to follow wherever God leads and trust Him, then Satan cannot hinder and divert God’s will from being filled in His way and in His timing.”[23]
Minister Deliverance 
Anderson’s chapter on “Walk Free” defines the steps to freedom in Christ which will enable us to submit to God and resist the devil and how to help others find freedom in Christ.[24]  There are seven specific issues that every Christian needs to recognize and resolve by renouncing whatever is not of God and by embracing God’s truth:  counterfeit versus real, deception versus truth, bitterness versus forgiveness, rebellion versus submission, pride versus humility, bondage versus freedom, and curses versus blessings.[25]
Indicators of Success
God’s Presence
The church becomes filled with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of God (Eph 1:17).  The Holy Spirit is outpoured on everybody, in fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28-29), and the church is not put to shame for those who seek God shall surely find Him. God’s presence too brings healing and deliverance, even without direct ministry from anybody, or laying of hands, or speaking words of rebuke to Satan.  God’s presence breaks bondage and yoke, heals the broken-hearted and the sick, comforts, and fills with joy and praise (Is 61:1-3; Luke 4:18-19).
Deliverance from Bondage
The first indicator is physical and/or psychological healing from various unexplainable manifestations, diseases and ailments, as well as the ability to read and comprehend the word of God, to pray, to confess sins, and to commit one’s life to Christ.  Anderson received many letters from people who were in bondage to Satan and who were healed; they testified that healing was the first fruit of breaking the bondage and demonic influence.
Spiritual Fruit
Spiritual fruit is hardly tangible; however, the aura of God’s presence to the people’s lives becomes detectable, as they are transformed gradually to Christ’s likeness.  The fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23)—love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control—is manifested in their dealings and interactions.  Their mindset becomes evangelistic, wanting to reach out for others—“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt 28:18-20).
Church Attendance
At the corporate level, the congregation starts to attend the prayer meeting regularly, not wanting to miss that meeting, where they encounter God, pray and praise, are encouraged and filled with joy and hope.  However, church attendance, as an indicator, could be misleading for there are people who just come to enjoy the worship band, or consider it an outing, or for self-righteousness, or for whatever personal motive.
The climax of this course, Spiritual Warfare, is the ministry application—how the teaching studied is processed and applied to people’s lives to free them from bondage and to let them be filled with God’s glory to their lives, being enabled to glorify God.  Strengthening the prayer life of the church—corporately and personally, knowing the personality of God, the Trinity—who God is, knowing the enemy’s nature, strategies, and weapons, submitting to God and resisting the devil, and living a life of repentance incurring the cost of victory—suffering, are the basic foundations to glorify God and enjoy the victorious life that Christ won for us on the Cross.
Anderson, Neil T.  The Bondage Breaker.  Eugene, Oregon:  Harvest House Publishers, 2000.
Earley, Dave.  Prayer:  The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders. Chattanooga, Tennessee:  Living Ink Books, 2008.
Gordon, S. D.  Quiet Talks on Prayer.  Shippensburg, PA:  Mercy Place, 2003.
Rankin, Jerry.  Spiritual Warfare:  The Battle for God’s Glory.  Nashville, Tennessee:  B&H Publishing, 2009.

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